No speaking events currently scheduled. If you would like to book something, please reach out.

Soft Transformation Learned the Hard Way
On August 30, 2023 in Malmo (that’s in Sweden), I had a wonderful time at The Conference. As part of this fascinating two days, I dusted the time of COVID off my speaking skills and gave a combination of my keynote performance and a “useful takeaway” on leadership.

Podcast: You Seem Interesting
Danny Rouhier and I went to school together from kindergarten through high school. He then became a comedian, and my life tumbled out the way it did. Here, we chat about all of it.

Podcast: We’re Only Human
Tim titled this episode Lydia Slaby: The Stories We Tell Ourselves To Make Sense Of It All, and that’s really what this one is about. We taped it in March, just as COVID-19 was taking hold in the United States, and it was (and remains) the perfect opportunity to think about how we respond to life-changing events.

Podcast: School for Good Living Part 1 and Part 2
Part 1: We discuss universal life lessons as laid out in WIGW! “I wanted other people to understand that they could leave their life before they were forced into it.” (Me)
Part 2: Creative process, writing tips, relationship with my editor. “Don’t hide who you are in favor of who you want people to see.” (Me again)

Podcast: One Tough B!tch
Honestly, how many of you are surprised that I’m on this podcast? One of my favorite lines: “Start recognizing where you are making your own excuses, and just stop.”

Podcast: People Not Patients
Join me and the team from H+K UK for this conversation about the importance of imperfect stories, steering away from words like ‘battle,’ and why I don’t define myself as a survivor.

Podcast: Happiness In Progress with Danielle Craig
Emmy-award-winning (very fancy!) Danielle and I had an amazing conversation about health, marriage, and being kind to your only life partner: your body.

Podcast: What Matters Most with Paul Samuel Dolman
Paul categorizes this podcast as “spirituality,” so this conversation focuses more on how I began listening to the subtle messages of life and continue that practice.

Podcast: Reinvent Yourself with Lesley Jane Seymour
Lesley Jane Seymour, founder of CoveyClub and covert jedi master, and I had a great chat about control, the value of disease, being okay, and embracing our future. Enjoy!

Podcast: An Evening at BookPeople with Alexis Jones
What does a live event look like, sound like, smell like? Please join me for my conversation with Alexis Jones (who is one of the best interviewers I’ve ever encountered) from July 26.

Podcast: Revolutionary You! with Jason Leenaarts
“I was really expecting a ‘normal’ cancer memoir, and yours was just so much more than that.” Wow, thanks Jason! Please join us as we chat about health, recovery, wellness, and different ways to approach the all-encompassing disease that is cancer.

Podcast: Women Inspired with April Seifert
April found WAIT, IT GETS WORSE on Amazon in preorder (which is amazing Amazon snooping, btw) and asked me to join her in this remarkable conversation about transformation.

The Second City Works Presents: Getting to Yes, And…
Kelly and I chat about how lessons from improvisation can help us all get through crisis with humor and sanity.

March 20th
Live Radio: Extension 720 with Justin Kaufmann
Justin and I talk about the stories behind WAIT, IT GETS WORSE: the toxicity of stress, how moments of crisis bring balance, and how I approached the possibility of dying.